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Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas)

by Fish
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Original price $64.04 - Original price $64.04
Original price
$64.04 - $64.04
Current price $64.04

Size: only S,M


Species Name : Zebrasoma Scopas 


Care Level : Moderate


Temperament : Semi-aggressive


Color : Tan, Yellow


Diet : Herbivore


Reef Compatible : Yes


Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4


Max. Size : 1'


Origin : Fiji, Indonesia, Philippines


Family : Acanthuridae


Minimum Tank Size : 125 gallons


Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma Scopas), the Brown Tang, Twotone Tang or Brush-tail Tang, is a marine reef tang in the fish family Acanthuridae. 


The Scopas Tang, also known as the Brown Scopas Tang is yellow, dorsally, and brown, ventrally. These colors gradually get darker from front to back. The body is covered with fine, intricate, light blue markings. The tail is a solid brown color. Juveniles are a little more attractive, with larger dorsal and anal fins and a slightly purplish body color. The body is almost disc-shaped and the snout is a bit extended. On each side of the caudal peduncle, there is a single white spine, the so called scalpel. This scalpel can inflict serious injury to other fish and is used for defence or to establish dominance. When it is not in use the fish will keep it folded down inside a groove.


A 125 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room.  A decent current and highly oxygenated conditions will serve this fish well. Provide plenty of hiding/sleeping places amongst the rockwork, with an open swimming space along the front of the aquarium. Keeping this fish in a too small aquarium can make it very skittish. 


It is aggressive towards its own species or tangs in general, and best kept with only one per tank. Well-fed scopas tangs are generally reef safe, but hungry specimens can start picking on sessile invertebrates, including large-polyped stony corals and soft corals.


This is not a finicky eater and it will readily investigate virtually any type of food. You can for instance use high-quality spirulina flakes rich in vitamin C as a base and supplement with dried macro-algae, fresh algae, and boiled vegetables. Also give the fish occasional servings of mysis shrimp, brine shrimp or similar meaty foods.