Bumble Bee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum Americanum)
Species Name : Gnathophyllum Americanum
Care Level : Difficult
Temperament : Peaceful
Color : Orange, Tan, White, Yellow
Diet : Carnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size : 1"
Origin : Indo-Pacific
Family : Gnathophyllidae
Supplements : Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements
The Bumble Bee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum Americanum), also known as the Striped Harlequin Shrimp, is common throughout the Indo-Pacific.
They are small shrimp only attaining a maximum size of 1 inch. Their body is yellow or white in coloration with black stripes giving them a similar appearance to a bumblebee. The legs and tail may also have orange markings. These shrimp are similar to Harlequin shrimp and feed upon the tube feet of echinoderms.
The Bumble Bee Shrimp is best kept as pairs in a small nano aquarium with moderate light to accommodate easy viewing. Requires sufficient hiding places in larger aquariums having more tankmates, as its quite shy. They cannot tolerate copper or high nitrates, and iodine levels must be correct and maintained to ensure proper molting.
The Bumble Bee Shrimp will feed upon the tube feet of echinoderms, but do not require them for survival. Offer them pieces of frozen meaty foods such as brine or mysis shrimp, cockle, or small pieces of fish. They should be offered these foods daily.
Due to the Bumble Bee Shrimps small size, care should be taken when introducing them into the aquarium as there is a potential that may consume them.
Size: 1/4" to 3/4"