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Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus Cinctus)

by Fish
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Original price $30.00 - Original price $30.00
Original price
$30.00 - $30.00
Current price $30.00

Species Name : Cryptocentrus Cinctus


Care Level : Easy


Temperament : Peaceful


Color : Blue, Brown, Yellow


Diet : Carnivore


Reef Compatible : Yes


Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4


Max. Size : 4"


Origin : Indonesia


Family : Gobiidae


Minimum Tank Size : 30 gallons


The Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus Cinctus) is a type of shrimp goby and the name watchman alludes to the symbiotic relationship it forms with some species of pistol shrimps. 


The Yellow Watchman Goby is just as the name suggests yellow. The front half of the body features small white spots on the yellow background. The species can grow to up to around 4” in length and features frog-like eyes, a broad mouth and neon blue flecks across the front of its body. The Yellow Watchman Goby may also have some light brown to mustard bars on it’s body. It constantly frowns funny and likes to look out from behind the stones.


It requires a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of loose coral rubble, ample swimming room, and a sand bottom for burrowing. Yellow Watchman Gobies get very stressed if they are not provided with enough hiding places. Make sure there’s a mix of hiding places as well as open spots available, as your watchman will appreciate being able to wait out in the open for food but dart away at the slightest sign of danger.


It is easy to care for and friendly towards other species that are not too similar to the Yellow watchman goby.  It should never be kept with aggressive species such as triggers. It is hard to keep more than one pair in a small aquarium due to aggression. The Yellow Watchman Goby appreciates to be kept with Alpheus shrimps but shrimps are not necessary as long as the fish is provided enough hiding places. The Yellow Watchman Goby is also considered reef safe, making it a great option if you want to grow corals as well. Just keep in mind that although the species is generally peaceful, it becomes fiercely territorial when other gobies are involved. It’s best to stick to a single watchman or a mated pair to prevent brawls.


This species is not picky when it comes to food, which is one of the reasons it’s such a great option for beginning aquarists. Marine fish flakes or sinking pellets should happily be accepted. Aside from commercial aquarium fish foods, you can also offer (thawed) frozen foods like mysis and brine shrimp. Just make sure your Yellow Watchman Goby actually gets its fair share: because it’s a bottom feeder and a bit timid, it might be outcompeted by more boisterous tankmates. It should be fed at least twice per day.


Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 4"