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Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia Nematoptera)

by Fish
Original price $27.00 - Original price $27.00
Original price
$27.00 - $27.00
Current price $27.00

Species Name : Sphaeramia Nematoptera

Care Level : Easy


Temperament : Peaceful


Color : Black, Red, Yellow


Diet : Carnivore


Reef Compatible : Yes


Water Conditions : 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025


Max. Size : 3½"


Origin : Pacific Ocean


Family : Apogonidae


Minimum Tank Size : 30 gallons


The Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia Nematoptera), Spotted Cardinalfish, Coral Cardinalfish, or Polkadot Cardinalfish is a species of fish belonging to the family Apogonidae. 


The Pajama Cardinalfish  is a rainbow of playful colors. It has a greenish-yellow face, bright orange eyes, and a silver-based body dressed in a bold black scalar margin and a posterior dotted with orange polka-dots. They are relatively small, hardy, and acclimate well to life in an aquarium.


Because the Pajama Cardinal is a slow and methodical swimmer, it should be kept in a tank of at least 30 gallons, with peaceful tankmates, and offered plenty of hiding places among rocks or plants. Most Pajama Cardinalfish will tend to hide in sea grass or other plants. Some may also camouflage themselves against long spined sea urchins.


Since these are naturally peaceful shoaling fish, it is recommended that you keep 3 or 5 individuals to enable the most natural behaviors and the security/safety of a shoal. Like many other schooling fish, the Pajama Cardinalfish will form a strict hierarchy when kept in small groups within the aquarium. However, unlike some social fish, this member of the Apogonidae family does not use aggression to exert dominance over other cardinalfish. Some recommended tank mates are Gobies, Clownfish, Royal Grammas, and other Cardinalfish. The Pajama cardinalfish is definitely reef safe and will leave the fleshy polyps of your corals and the sometimes tempting (for other fish) mantles of clams alone.


Pajama Cardinals are micro predators who need meaty proteins. These carnivores need multiple small meals throughout the day. Since they’re nocturnal, you may need to train them to eat during the day. The Pajama Cardinalfish should be fed a varied diet consisting of foods specifically designed for carnivores. 


Size: 1" to 1-1/2"