Cerith Snailc (Cerithium sp.)
Species Name : Cerithium sp.
Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Peaceful
Color : Black, Green, White
Diet : Omnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size : 1½"
Origin : Caribbean, Mexico
Family : Cerithiidae
The Cerith Snailc (Cerithium sp.), or Cerithiids (Family Cerithiidae) form a fairly large group of marine gastropods.
The typical cerithiid shell shape is sharply conical. The shell aperture is oval in shape and is covered with a thin, brown, horny operculum. Though generally not brightly colored, some shells bear pretty patterns.
Native to the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific off the coast of Mexico, the Cerith Snail does best in larger, well-established reef systems with deep sand beds. Their smallish size (usually less than an inch) permits their use in nano aquaria and allows them to reach into tight crevasses between rocks (and not knock over small attached items like coral frags). Their burrowing behavior helps to stir and aerate aquarium substrates. They are exceptionally easy to care for.
They are completely reef safe and pose no threat.
The Cerith Snail is extremely difficult to breed in captivity.
Like other invertebrates, the Cerith Snail is sensitive to high nitrate levels and copper based medications.
This voracious feeder is most active at night. At night, they emerge from the sand and rocky caves into the open to feast on anything from nuisance algae to detritus and uneaten fish food.
Size: 1/2" to 1"