Clown Tang (Acanthurus Lineatus)
Size: only S,M
Species Name : Acanthurus Lineatus
Care Level : Difficult
Temperament : Semi-aggressive
Color : Blue, Orange, Yellow
Diet : Herbivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 1' 3"
Origin : East Africa, including the Mascarene Islands to the Hawaiian, Marquesas and Tuamoto islands, north to southern Japan, south to the Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia.
Family : Acanthuridae
Minimum Tank Size : 250 gallons
The Clown Tang (Acanthurus Lineatus), also known as the Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, or Blue-banded Surgeonfish, has horizontal blue striping on a bright yellow to orange background. It also has large peduncle spines.
This species can adjust itself quite well in captive conditions. A 250 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. It requires very clean, properly oxygenated water.
These are known to be aggressive and quarrelsome. They have a reputation to fight with other fish species at times. This is the reason why only a single Acanthurus Lineatus fish is kept in one aquarium. Do lots of research on the species you're interested in keeping them with beforehand. Do not keep with other similar looking tangs. They may get more territorial, aggressive as they get larger. This species is entirely reef-safe.
Acanthurus Lineatus is generally herbivorous. Like many Tangs, the Clown Tang will pick and eat algae off the rocks within the aquarium. Additionally it should be offered marine algae / seaweed such as Nori which comes in a variety of types, red, green and brown. Feeding the fish the correct diet will maintain the overall health of the fish. It will also eat many different types of frozen foods available at your local fish store.
Small : 1-1/2" to 2-1/4»
Medium : 3-1/4" to 4-1/4»
Large : 5-1/4" to 6-1/4"