Black Angler (Antennarius Commerson)
Sometimes this fish is out of stock, check with us before ordering: reefexclusive@gmail.com
Size: only S,M
Species Name : Antennarius Commerson
Care Level : Moderate
Temperament : Semi-aggressive
Color : Black
Diet : Carnivore
Reef Compatible : With Caution
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 1' 3"
Origin : Indian and Pacific Ocean
Family : Antennariidae
Minimum Tank Size : 50 gallons
Black Angler (Antennarius Commerson) or the Giant Frogfish, Commerson's frogfish, is a marine fish belonging to the family Antennariidae.
The Black Anglers are jet black in color, with several white markings covering parts of the body, such as the fins. Like other members of its family, it has a globular, extensible body. The soft skin is covered with small dermal spinules. Its skin is partially covered with a few small, wartlike protuberances, some variably shaped, scab-like blotches, and a few, small eye spots (ocelli) reminiscent of the holes in sponges. Their coloration is extremely variable, as they tend to match their environments.
They require large amounts of live rock in a 50-gallon or larger aquarium. These fish are very inactive, but make sure to provide a suitable sized aquarium for them as they grow to full size.
Commerson's frogfish has a benthic and solitary lifestyle. They gather during the mating period, but do not tolerate each other any more after the act of fertilization. The female can kill or eat the male if he stays close.
Corals and anemones that have a potent sting can damage Frogfishes, so avoid keeping elegance corals, anemones and the like in an aquarium with Frogfishes.
Its large mouth is prognathous, allowing it to consume prey as large as itself. To entice their prey, they have a fake lure with bait which protrudes from the top part of the head. They can move it around in different ways, depending on the prey and the light conditions. If their prey manages to bite off this lure, a new one will grown within a few months.
Black Anglers is a voracious carnivore which attacks any small animals that pass within range, mainly other fish, but sometimes even congeners. When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp should be used to entice this fish to eat. It will accept most meaty meals including feeder fish. Don't overfeed him as he only needs food every 4-5 days, alternatively feed him more often but in smaller amounts. When he is overfed, he may stop eating for a few weeks, but usually starts eating again after that.
Small: 3/4" to 2"; Medium 2" to 3"; Large 3" to 5"; Show Size 5" to 8"