Coral Hogfish (Bodianus Mesothorax)
Sometimes this fish is out of stock, check with us before ordering: reefexclusive@gmail.com
Size: only S, M
Species Name : Bodianus Mesothorax
Care Level : Moderate
Temperament : Aggressive
Color : Black, Red, Yellow
Diet : Carnivore
Reef Compatible : Juvenile: Yes; Adult: No
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 9"
Origin : Western Pacific and Eastern Indian Ocean
Family : Labridae
Minimum Tank Size : 70 gallons
The Coral Hogfish (Bodianus Mesothorax) , also known as Eclipse Hogfish or Mesothorax Hogfish.
Bodianus Mesothoraxwhich has a distinct blackish diagonal band between the purplish head end of the body and the whitish to yellowish posterior part. The juveniles are dark purple with two lines of bright yellow spots. This species can reach a length of 25 cm (9.8 in). The body pattern and colouration of juveniles changes to the adult pattern when they attain a length of 5–6 centimetres (2.0–2.4 in). It is a beneficial fish for cleaning parasites off of its tank mates.
The Coral Hogfish needs to be kept in a 70 gallon or larger fish-only tank, or the reef will become its buffet. It also needs a large number of caves and crevices where you can hide, a sandy substrate and free space for swimming.
This Hogfish does best kept in relatively aggressive aquarium with larger species that will not allow this fish to bully them. Coral Hogfish are fiercely territorial and so it is recommended to keep only one specimen per tank, and not with any other hogfish species, or with any small, docile fish. The most suitable tankmates really are other medium-large, moderately aggressive species that can look after themselves. To avoid any tussles at feeding time, add the food to several places in the aquarium at the same time.
These fish are sequential protogynous hermaphrodites – born as female but able to change sex to male. The largest fish in the group will be a dominant male, while the smaller fish remain female. If the dominant male dies, the largest female changes sex and takes his place.
Feed your hogfish a meaty variety of foods. They will normally accept most pellets, frozen formulas, shrimp, scallops and mussels. They may prey on ornamental crustaceans like crabs and shrimp.