White-lined comb-tooth (Ecsenius Pictus)
Sometimes this fish is out of stock, check with us before ordering: reefexclusive@gmail.com
Species Name : Ecsenius Pictus
Care Level : Beginner
Temperament : Peaceful
Diet : Herbivore
Color : Red-Brown, White
Coral Safe : With Caution
Fish Safe : Yes
Invertebrate Safe : With Caution
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Family : Blenniidae - Ecsenius
Origin : Australia, Indonesia, Central/West Pacific
Max. Size : 5 cm (2").
Hardiness : Hardy
Suitable for aquarium : Suitable for most aquarium
Reef safe : Often reef safe
Aggressiveness : Mostly peaceful but might be aggressive towards similar species
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Ecsenius Pictus, known commonly as the White-Lined Comb-Tooth in Indonesia and the pictus blenny in Micronesia, is a species of combtooth blenny family Blenniidae. The specific name "pictus" means "painted" in Latin, and refers to the species' unusual colour pattern.
The Pictus Blenny is a small combtooth blenny that uses its specialized teeth to scrape algae and plant matter off of rocky reefs. Their body is a mostly reddish brown with white stripes, turning yellow towards the tail. These Blennies do not normally get very big and are therefore a good choice for both small and large aquaria. It can reach a maximum length of 5 cm. They are not often very colorful, but many have a fun personality which many aquarists fall for. This species often has a fun and interesting personality.
Can be maintained in either fish-only or reef aquariums having rocky areas with caves/crevices to hide/rest in when needing to do so, and if feasible, containing heavy growths of algae that it can dine on. These fish should be kept in a well-equipped 30 gallon aquarium where they can "graze" algae off rocks and stones. This species is known to jump out of open aquaria.
With a very peaceful behavior and reef safe, this fish is an excellent addition to a community aquarium. Tankmates must be peaceful, as even moderately aggressive tankmates will prevent this species from getting its share of the food when available. Pictus Blenny occasionally nibbles on shellfish, including Tridacna species..
Even though these fish enjoy a diverse type of frozen foods, it is imperative that its primary food, is algae based, thus ensuring that the fish`s immune system remains healthy. This can, for example, be plant based fish flakes, Nori seaweed or similar. It should be fed as often as necessary to maintain its health.