Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias Ventralis) Female
Sometimes this fish is out of stock, check with us before ordering: reefexclusive@gmail.com
Species Name : Pseudanthias Ventralis
Care Level : Expert
Temperament : Peaceful
Diet : Omnivore
Color : Purple, Yellow
Reef Safe : Yes
Coral Safe : Yes
Invertebrate Safe : Yes
Max.Size : 3’’
Origin : Pacific Ocean
Family : Serranidae
Minimum Tank Size : 70 Gallons
Longfin Anthias (Pseudanthias Ventralis), the Ventralis Anthias or Longfin Basslet', is a species of marine ray-finned fish, an Pseudanthias from the subfamily Anthiinae part of the family Serranidae, the groupers and sea basses. It is found in the Western Pacific Ocean.
Females have the same metallic purple color as males. They have a yellow dorsal fin, the color of which extends only to a small area of the back up to the caudal peduncle. They also have a red arched stripe that separates the yellow and purple stripe on their back near the tail. This species reaches a maximum total length of 7 centimeters (2.8 in).
In captivity it is recommended to keep only a single fish in smaller aquariums (around 70 gallons). If you wish to keep a group, it is best to house no less than 1 male and 5 or more females in a 180 gallon aquarium or larger. Tanks should have plenty of live rockwork allowing the anthias places to hide, but also plenty of free swimming space. They are also best kept in dimly lit aquariums but will adjust to brightly lit aquariums. Anthias are prone to jumping from the aquarium when startled or excited so we recommend a secure lid.
Can be kept with other peaceful community fish and care should be taken to ensure that you keep only one male per tank as they will likely fight with each other to the death. They pose little to no danger to any other aquarium inhabitant, other than small competing zooplanktivores, such as dart fish and flasher wrasses, which they may chase into hiding. Aggressive tank mates should be strictly avoided. They are generally all reef safe and peaceful.
Because of their activity level they have a very high metabolic rate, and should be fed a minimum of three times daily. Diet should include plenty of high quality meaty items such as frozen Mysis shrimp, marine algae and Spirulina, enriched brine shrimp.
Anthias are such enthusiastic feeders they usually learn to eat dry foods quickly, but if they are fussy the dry food can be mixed in with the frozen to encourage consumption. A refugium is helpful in supplementing the main aquarium with live prey items. Additional supplements and vitamins may also aid in maintaining the fish's vivid colors.