Gemmatum Tang (Zebrasoma Gemmatum)
Sometimes this fish is out of stock, check with us before ordering: reefexclusive@gmail.com
Size: only S,M
Species Name : Zebrasoma Gemmatum
Care Level : Moderate
Temperament : Semi-aggressive
Color : Black, White, Yellow
Diet : Herbivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 9"
Origin : Madagascar
Family : Acanthuridae
Minimum Tank Size : 150 gallons
Gemmatum Tang (Zebrasoma Gemmatum), the Gem Tang, spotted tang or Mauritian Tang, is a marine reef tang in the fish family Zebrasoma.
Gemmatum Tang is a magnificent and highly regarded fish with a stunning black body and a galaxy of bright white spots. A vibrant yellow tail and yellow accents on the pectoral fins injects a burst of color for added visual excitement.
An established minimum 150 gallon aquarium with 18+ inch width is ideal. This tang enjoys a variety of rock work and crevices to take refuge, but also should be provided with open swimming space. Gem tangs are often sought after to add to a reef aquarium for not only their appearance, but their natural tendency to graze upon algae build up.
Tangs are generally community fish and get along with most other tankmates. Typically, Zebrasoma species are semi-aggressive and territorial in nature. If you are looking to avoid potential rough-housing with other tank-mates, it can help to introduce this fish last. Additionally, Zebrasoma often conflict with conspecifics (including other species within the genus) or fish that have a similar body shape. Gem tangs are herbivores and are reef-safe. They can share a tank with corals and other invertebrates safely and without aggression.
In the wild tangs are primarily herbivorous. A diet largely consisting of algae-based foods is absolutely necessary to maintain optimal health, coloration, immune function, and reduce aggression. Vegetable based flake foods or frozen foods, that may also include spirulina algae, are excellent options. Gem tangs will consume various other protein-based frozen foods. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a veggie clip, and feed at least 3 times per week.
Size: 2" to 4"