Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Semi-aggressive
Color : Black, Orange, White
Diet : Omnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 3"
Origin : Captive Bred
Family : Pomacentridae
Minimum Tank Size : 20 gallons
Captive-Bred Clownfish like the Orange Storm Clown (Amphiprion Ocellaris) have advantages over wild-harvested species. Captive-Bred Clownfish are very hardy and more adapted to home aquarium conditions. Therefore, the Orange Storm Clown makes a great choice for novices and seasoned aquarists alike.
Its beautiful orange body dressed with white bands outlined in black instantly distinguishes the Ocellaris Clownfish. The coloration of these fish will darken to a nice solid orange with age. It is laterally compressed, with a round profile, a stocky appearance and an oval shape. These tank bred clownfish grow to a maximum size of 3 inches in the aquarium, and may be kept singly or in groups.
The Captive-Bred Orange Storm Clown does best, housed in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons or larger with plenty of live rock. It may form a symbiotic relationship with the following species of anemones; Carpet (Stichodactyla sp.), Sebae (Heteractis Crispa), Bulb (Entacmaea Quadricolor), or Ritteri (Heteractis Magnifica). Though the Orange Storm Clownfish does not require an anemone to thrive, if you choose to house an anemone, always be sure that your aquarium and lighting system will support the needs of the host anemone before incorporating one into the aquarium. Clownfishes sometimes adopt various corals and algae as substitutes for host anemones.n ocella.
The Orange Storm Clownfish can be kept with a variety of other captive-bred clownfish, if introduced into the aquarium at the same time. Usually ignores reef invertebrates and corals.
Like all clownfishes, Amphiprion Ocellaris is a sequential hermaphrodite. The largest individual present will exert dominance and become reproductively female. The next largest fish will become reproductively male. Remaining smaller individuals are usually tolerated but will not be reproductively active. The female will be the larger of the pair, and two fish will usually stay close to each other in the aquarium.
The Captive-Bred Clownfish is an omnivore, requiring both meaty foods as well as some greens in their diet. A high-quality marine flake food, rich in spirulina algae, as well as freeze-dried and frozen foods are readily accepted.
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