Species Name : Platax Orbicularis
Care Level : Expert Only
Temperament : Peaceful
Color : Yellow, Brown, Orange
Diet : Omnivore
Reef Compatible : Not reef safe, more suitable for a FOWLR (fish-only-with-live-rock) aquarium.
Water Conditions : sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size : 20 inches
Origin : Indo-Pacific
Family : Ephippididae
Minimum Tank Size : 100 gallons
The Orbicular Batfish (Platax Orbicularis), also known as the Circular Batfish, Orbiculate Batfish, Round Batfish, or Orbic Batfish is a popular aquarium fish which occurs naturally in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
This species changes appearance a lot during its lifetime and an adult specimen looks nothing like a juvenile one. Both coloration and body shape changes. Adult specimens have a very high profile reminding much of the body shape of freshwater angelfish and a yellow and brown body. Its tail, about 20% of the body length, is fan-shaped and is taller than it is long. Juvenile specimens have a much lower body more similar to that of a discus fish (a little more squared). The juvenile Orbiculate Batfish has a silvery body with three black lines running vertically across it.
The ideal aquarium should provide ample open swimming space as well as visual barriers, caves, and overhangs, but not so many that the ability to swim freely is impeded. A 30 gallon aquarium is recommended for juveniles, a large 100 gallon aquarium with plenty of open space for swimming is recommended for adults.
They are hardy fish that are very peaceful and can be kept singly, or in larger tanks as a pair, or a small school and should also be kept with other larger peaceful fish. They are not reef safe as they will eat some coral and invertebrates as well as anemones. The Orbiculate Batfish is a friendly species and can be kept with most species. Don't keep with very aggressive fish like triggers.
Orbiculate Batfish are omnivorous, meaning they consume both animal proteins and plant matter. This diet should be replicated as accurately as possible in captivity. Initially, it may be necessary to offer live food. If this is the case, depending on the size of the batfish, either live brine, mysid, or ghost shrimp should do the job. As they adapt to feeding in the aquarium, prepared foods can gradually be offered to them. Orbiculate Batfish absolutely relish shrimp, krill, crab, squid, bloodworms, and live and frozen brine and mysid shrimp, but their recently discovered need for algae cannot be neglected. Need to feed 2-3 times a day.
Size: Small: 1" to 2" Medium: 2" to 3" Large: 3" to 4"
Note: Purchase size is a batfishes body without their long fins.
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