Species Name : Ophiarachna Incrassata
Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Peaceful
Color : Green
Diet : Carnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : 75-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size : 10"
Origin : Indo-Pacific
Family : Ophiodermatidae
Supplements : Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements
Brittle Star is the common name for any of the marine organisms in the echinoderm class Ophiuroidea, characterized by long, flexible, typically slender arms joined to a central body disk.
Green Brittle Star (Ophiarachna incrassata) also known as Brittle Sea Star, Brittle Star, Green Brittle Starfish, Green Serpent Star, Large Brittle Star.
The Green Brittle Star has a central disc from which arms extend. The disk contains all of the viscera. That is, the internal organs of digestion and reproduction never enter the arms, as they do in the Asteroidea. The underside of the disk contains the mouth, which has five toothed jaws formed from skeletal plates. The long spiny, arms are fringed with white or black spines. Sea Stars have remarkable regenerative powers, when attacked and damaged by predators they are able to grow new arms. They usually have five arms but have been found with 4 or 6 arms, this may be because more than one arm has been damaged at one time.
It is nocturnal and often hides under rocks during the day. At night, it comes out to eat detritus and small organisms.
The Green Brittle Star is a great helper in a reef aquarium, eating dead organisms and uneaten food before these items decompose and contaminate the aquarium. Best maintained in aquaria with live rock caves where it can hide during daylight hours and since this is a scavenger, its best not placed in new systems.
Although Brittle Starfish are not a threat to corals or clams, they may catch and eat small passive reef fishes, such as small gobies, at night. Otherwise Brittle Starfish are great reef inhabitants.
The Green Brittle Star is very intolerant of sudden changes in oxygen levels, salinity and pH of the water, and cannot tolerate copper-based medications. It cannot tolerate copper-based medications.
In the aquarium it may be fed zooplankton, very finely chopped meaty items, and liquid invertebrate foods.
Feed the Brittle Starfish meaty foods including mussel, clam, raw table shrimp, and silversides. Brittle Stars will eat anything that the other aquarium inhabitants consume. Best to feed at least once a day, every other day at the least. As long as the central disc is meaty in appearance, the Brittle Star can be considered well fed. Predatory hunting may occur if animal is not fed enough.
Size: 3" to 6"
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Tags: Inverts