Species Name : Ophiolepsis Superba
Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Peaceful
Color : Red, Tan
Diet : Carnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size : 1' 2"
Origin : Indo-Pacific
Family : Ophiuridae
Supplements : Trace Elements
Serpent Sea Star (Ophiolepsis Superba) is an invertebrate from the genus Ophiolepis which is part of the Ophiolepididae family. It is commonly known as the Fancy Tiger Striped Serpent Sea Star.
Tiger Serpent Starfish are much easier to care for than other sea star species and a much better choice for the majority of aquarists.
The Serpent Sea Star has a sleek physical build and stark coloration. In fact, unlike many starfish common to home aquariums, Ophiolepsis superba has long, almost spindly arms that radiate from its central disc. But what this sea star lacks in arm girth, it more than makes up for in color form and appetite. In fact, the bands of brown and red that dress the Serpent Sea Star, Fancy Tiger Striped arms give this member of the Ophiuridae family a unique beauty. Sea Stars have remarkable regenerative powers, when attacked and damaged by predators they are able to grow new arms.
In the home aquarium, it requires ample hiding places and plenty of room to roam. Best maintained in aquaria with live rock caves where it can hide during daylight hours and since this is a scavenger, its best not placed in new systems.
These Starfish are reef safe and don't bother corals.
Like other invertebrates, the Fancy Tiger-Striped Serpent Sea Star is very intolerant of sudden changes in oxygen levels, salinity and pH of the water, and cannot tolerate copper-based medications. It will become sluggish if the nitrate levels are too high. The Tiger Serpent Starfish should never be exposed to air while handling.
The Serpent Sea Star is extremely difficult to breed in an aquarium with no distinguishing characteristics to help differentiate it from its mate.
Even though the Serpent Sea Star is a nocturnal animal, it may eventually learn to come out during the day to eat. The Fancy Tiger-Striped Serpent Sea Star should be fed small pieces of chopped meat, shrimp, mussel, or fish.
Size: 3" to 6"
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